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The @lqv/cursor package lets you record your cursor moving around on the screen. The easiest way to get started is to clone the demo:

The package has the following entrypoints:

npm install @lqv/cursor



Move an image along a recorder cursor path.


Takes a single object with the following keys:

  • align?: string | [number, number]
    Alignment of image. Given by a pair [x, y] with 0 <= x, y <= 1, corresponding to the point (100x%, 100y%) of the way along the image. Also accepts aliases "center" for [0.5, 0.5], "top right" for [0, 1], etc.

  • data: ReplayData<[number, number]>
    Cursor data to replay.

  • end?: number = start + length(data)
    When the cursor should disappear.

  • playback: Playback
    Playback to sync with.

  • start?: number = 0
    When the cursor should first appear.

  • target: HTMLElement
    Element to sync with.


    The cursor's position is stored as a left/top percentage relative to target.offsetParent. Therefore, to display correctly, the aspect ratio of target.offsetParent must remain constant (between recording and replaying), and target.offsetParent must have a nonzero height and width.

Return value

Returns an unsubscription function.



Move an image along a recorder cursor path. React version of cursorReplay().


  • align?: string | [number, number]
    Alignment of image. Given by a pair [x, y] with 0 <= x, y <= 1, corresponding to the point (100x%, 100y%) of the way along the image. Also accepts aliases "center" for [0.5, 0.5], "top right" for [0, 1], etc.

  • data: ReplayData<[number, number]>
    Cursor data to replay.

  • end: number
    When the cursor should disappear. Optional, defaults to start + length(data).

  • src: string
    Src of cursor image.

  • start: number
    When the cursor should first appear. Optional, defaults to 0.




  • target: HTMLElement = document.body
    Container element for recording.


Cursor recording plugin. Pass to <RecordingControl>.